Sunday, April 1, 2012

stay hungry, stay foolish

Three messages in the inbox, ‘congratulations, it’s your day today’, ‘hey man! Wish you a very happy Rama Navmi’ and the last but most important message ‘there is some job failures, please be there in office as earliest’
It was already 10:37 in my watch and the message time was around eight. Thanks to the production support job, I realized that there was no time to take bath, sorry lord, but I think it’s your birthday so instead of me, you should take a bath, not that I am saying that you don’t but to be safer side. I brushed, packed my bag, searched for something I can eat, stomach giving strange voices, found a pack of biscuits. Before I can put piece of it in my mouth I remembered mom told me not to eat anything today, but fruits (I just hate the concept of Vrata). Fruits will be the last thing which will be found in the so called compartment in which I live with one more creature who was still fast sleep.
I kicked him in frustration and he shouted, ‘what the…you crazy’
‘I am going to office, there are some job failures’ I said searching the door keys.
‘To hell with you man, you said we will got to temple today’
‘I made April fool of you, don’t forget today’s Fools day too’ I laughed and locked the door from outside. (If anyone worried of him, let me tell you that he has an extra key so he can open the door from inside, happy?)
In few minutes of drive I was in office, instead of directly going to the workstation I went to cafeteria.
‘Sorry sir, some maintains work going on’
Oh great, Oh God, is it you? I mean how can you punish a poor guy, just for not taking bath on your birthday? Too much…I went to my desk and checked the whole hell of inbox just to find nothing related to any job failure. My cell phone beeped, a message saying, ‘come back to cafeteria, we are waiting here’
Now it was all clear, I was a victim of the Fool's day, and culprit was none other than but my manager. I went back to cafeteria to find almost the whole team or you can say victims.
‘What man you came here and didn’t even saw us, we were sitting here only when you came’
‘I was too hungry to notice anything else’ I said smiling sheepishly.
‘So do you want to say anything about the trap?’ my manager asked laughing a loud.
I said ‘I was just following Steve Jobs’ and everyone went silent or may be curious enough not to laugh anymore.  I gave a relief to all those interrogative faces by just saying last four words of the speech made by Steve Jobs,
‘stay hungry, stay foolish’ !!