Monday, February 6, 2012

someone surely knows !!

I have always been a good student. Well at least in front of my teachers. They never came to know that the cartoons which were drawn on the black board were my creations; only thing was that I did that with my bunch of friends, who were not so good with the calk. Well, I was wearing a mask and nobody was smart enough to catch me until she raised an eyebrow looking at me and smiled, which made me sure enough that she knew that it was me. Now the question was, how? I asked myself with no answer, the only person who had the answer was she. So with no other option, after the college, I messaged her.
 ‘Maybe I would like to share the secret now?’ I messaged bravely expecting a positive response. But the reply was not up to the mark, she said, ‘sure, and what is that secret?’ only then I realized that I did a typo mistake and a big one, instead of ‘u’ I had typed ‘I’, the actual sentence was an interrogative i.e. ‘maybe u would like to share the secret now?’ to hell with the messaging generation language and the qwerty keypads.
Now the time was to rectify it so I said, ‘secret is, somebody is having a secret about me and that somebody is you’ smart answer isn’t it?
‘What did I do?’
‘No, no what will you do? You are such an innocent child of god’
‘Of course I am, just like a jalebi (apologies and sympathy if one is not aware of jalebi)’
‘Very funny, now tell me how in the holy world, you came to know that it was me?’ I was still stuck to my ultimate goal. But she was A typical creature, a girl, oops, no generalization here, so the next reply from her was like spilling water on my head, ‘I have lot of work to do’ before I can say, ‘answer me and you are free to go’ she added, ‘wait, I will reply back’. ‘Wait’ such a sarcastic word. Well not much time and she messaged back with a ‘hi’. She had pulled my leg for long and I thought of doing the same so I just said, ‘do I know you?’
‘Oops, I mistook you for someone else, sorry, bye’ oh my God, there is no way one can win with a girl especially with a smart one.
I was kidding’, I kept my bow down.
‘I was very serious’
‘Serious? In which hospital?’
‘The same you were there last year, Agra mental ward’ I know she was laughing ‘they were asking me about you, may be you just missed few of your shock therapies’ she giggled again.
‘Well you can take those shocks on behalf of me’ my time to laugh. There was no reply for long so I thought of dropping another one.
‘Hey if you busy, well then maybe you can reveal the secret some other time, message me when you are real free’ sometimes I feel I am a real real gentleman, laugh.
After few minutes of wait she replied with a smiley. Our whole conversation ended with no result. Hopefully someday she will tell or I will know, it’s all about being optimistic.
But here, I learnt an important lesson that, no matter how much you hide, there is always someone watching you, then it is in their hand whether they want to disclose it or not. No matter how many masks you wear, at least there is someone in this world who surely knows that behind it, it is real you. That one person can be anyone if not a girl, if not God then you yourself.
Be yourself, always, because If God had wanted you to be otherwise, he would have created you otherwise… well, that’s my tagline too… J


  1. he he he,i remember this conversation still..u knw it's going to b nearly an yr we hd the conversation..and i m glad u asked me the secret or i wud hv nt hv hd the chance to hv a wonderful frnd like you :)
