Friday, November 23, 2012

If everyone answers 'c'

I don’t know how many of us thought about it, but this might be a sure shot way of getting a highest grade, if grading system is based on highest scoring number.

I recently finished my MS degree and this thought has occurred many a times in my mind. What if you are able to convince all your classmates for it? Think of the result. Everyone having highest grade, no failures, all at the same level, no five pointers and 6 pointers.

If you have still not understood what I am trying to convey, let’s understand it by an example. Let instead of 80 people in your class, there are four, going through the plan each one has selected option ‘c’ as their answer. Now what will happen while checking? If all questions are having answer as ‘c’, all are correct else all are wrong, but all are same, highest. If one or two questions are having answer as ‘c’ still the result does not change. If you are thinking what if the questions are not in order or jumbled, then think again, cause if you think closely it doesn’t matter at all as far as all have answered ‘c’.

I know what I am talking here is illegal as our whole society is based on law of competition and it’s perfectly righteous. I was just talking about the power of unity, once you unite, anything can be changed, be it the system itself.  

Now if anyone wants to question ‘why only C? Why not A or B?’ you can laugh on yourself.
I remember one of the personality development trainings in which the trainer gave us all a balloon and a pin and announced, ‘let’s see who manages to keep his balloon safe by others and he will get a prize’ and that’s it, the next moment whole room turned into a war zone, trainees were hell bent on bursting others balloon, there were some smart moles, who managed to remove the air from it and kept in their pockets and blew back again once the exercise was over, but later that was declared illegal. No one was left with a safe balloon.

All eyes were filled with shame when the trainer said, ‘I never asked you to burst others balloon, I just asked you to keep yours safe’.

A knife is not always to kill, why we as a human take a path of destruction when we get even slightest of power? Power is to protect, to maintain peace, not for demonstration, not to destroy.

Now if anyone wants to question ‘Then why he gave a pin to all?’ well nice question, answer will be because a donkey does not have horns.    


  1. Do you as a rule write only for this domain or maybe for some other Internet or offline resources?

  2. There is only one rule...NO RULE... :)
    but for time being this is the only place m writing...
