Friday, March 2, 2012

those eight hundred bucks…

‘Hey hey stop the bike’ she shouted from behind and immediately I applied the break to my bike running at a speed of almost wind. Wind was blowing with the speed of around eighty kilometers per hour, if you are really interested to know. Next moment I was standing at the roadside of a highway waiting for the girl to complete her call, probably to some other man, I don’t know, she said it was her father’s call, in that case also I was correct, he was some other man. She does not want him to know that she was riding on a bike with some other man, now that other man is me. See this is what an issue is, if it was a boy then there was no issue, he might have taken the call and told his father that he will call later but then why in whole world I will offer a boy to drop him at his home? So here I was, going to drop her at home.
I looked around, it was almost dark, few street lights burning at full strength they had, but that was not enough. Vehicles running on the highway as if their wives chasing them, I would have told dogs chasing them, but then they will not run that fast. In the light of my bike’s headlight I saw a small bug trying to climb on the front tyre, how dare he? I shook the handle and in next moment it turned into some tomato sauce, although it was not red in color, yellow, maybe rotten egg sauce. ‘Very bad, I should not have killed the poor guy’ I thought and turned off the engine so that no more poor people get killed.
‘Let’s go’ I heard from back. I thanked my guardian angel as she was done speaking lies to his father. I told her not to sit as I am also a poor guy and having no money to change the battery so that self start of my bike starts working. I kicked, once, twice, thrice sometimes my bike really likes to get kicked, before I can kick fourth time a white sumo victa, filled with cops stopped in front of me. ‘Holy hell’
One by one all came out, I counted, one…two…three……………eight.
‘License?’ ‘Other papers?’ ‘What are doing here?’ ‘Don’t you know it is not allowed to stop at the highway?’ ‘Who is she?’ ‘What is she doing here with you?’ ‘Are you married?’ ‘Is she your girlfriend?’ where do you live?’ ‘Where does she lives?’ many more questions were asked and answers were given, of course questions by them and answers by me. I know God got upset as, killing the bug, I just sent one more soul to his kingdom, increasing the population.
Finally I was given with last two choices, one, come with us to police station and give all your details and we will let you go. 'Yes yes why not after all police station is my father-in-law's house and there I will get some russgullas to eat, idiots, tell the second one’ I shouted all this in my mind.
Second, I have spend hell lot of money on many things in my life, I never remembered the price or the amount which I had spent on them, but I guess whole my life, there will not be a day ever, I will forget those eight hundred bucks…


  1. yes such incidents happens with the bloody cops... I too had one experience, thought of blogging it after reading this :)

  2. Thanks for a read sree :)
    looking forward to go through your experience...plz go ahead... :)
